Thursday, 30 June 2011

My fight against the IMDB Top 100.


I make it halfway through the year. That means it is probably time to look at the two pages of New Years Resolutions I made six months ago and seriously think how in jew-God's name I am going to make it through any of them - why is 'Learn to fight' on there for a start, ridiculous!
The only one I seem to be sticking to is watching the IMDB Top 100 Films, I've watched thirty-six of them and yes I know I am getting behind but you know, I've been.... busy? I'm going to review each of the films I have watched in three words...
Back To The Future - Geeky Wet Dream.
The Prestige - Better Than Magic.
Toy Story 3 - Made Me Cry.
The Godfather - Parodied To Hell.
Black Swan - Creepy And Lesbiany.
Unforgiven - Dirty Ol' West.
Pulp Fiction - Classy Suave Gore.
The Dark Knight - Heath Is God.
The Matrix - Still Stands Up.
Fight Club - Better Than Choke.
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind - Makes Me Beam.
The Departed - Gritty And 'Ard.
American Beauty - Killer Cheerleader Norks.
Requim For A Dream - Tripping On Visuals.
Monty Python And The Holy Grail - Funnier Than Most.
Inception - Not That Deep.
Full Metal Jacket - Best War Film.
Inglorious Basterds - Nazi Kicking Action.
2001: A Space Odyssey - Wide Angled Art.
The Apartment - Ages Like Wine.
The Sting - Tricksy Little Newman.
Up - Pixar Knows Best.
Braveheart - Gibson Needs Teaching.
Metropolis - Strangely Modern Vision.
The Maltese Falcon - Bogart Seduction Lesson.
Gladiator - Joaquin Steals Show.
Gran Torino - Makes Racism Fun.
The Green Mile - Yeah, Sick Mouse.
Amadeus - Very Eighties PeriodDrama.
Downfall - Hitler Flips Out.
Bicycle Thives - No Subtitles Available.
Once Upon A Time In America - Coming Of Age.
The Great Dictator - Poignant Final Speech.
All About Eve - Women Are Twisted.
The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre - Prospecting Done Well.
Singin' In The Rain - Tooth Decay Celluloid.

Let me know if none of that makes any sense, it's quite late you see.




Good morning, afternoon, evening or night (delete as applicable)
I can't promise I'm going to write Shakespeare (because I don't have a thousand monkeys or a thousand years) but I am planning on detailing the whimsical adventures I inadvertently throw myself into. If you're interested then favourite it or something, I'm sure I'll chuck the details about on Twitter and Facebook for my tech-savvy fans.
I'm off to learn Single Ladies on guitar.
Peace & Love.